סוד הגאולה באנגלית.
להורדה ספר סוד הגאולה בקובץ pdf', לחץ כאן: סוד הגאולה אנגלית-מעודכן
עלונים באנגלית: לפתיחה לחץ על הקישורים הבאים
: עלון קטן 35 אנגלית 84-118 (2)
עלון אינדי קטן 36 אנגלית 84-118
עלון קטן 66 אינדי אנגלית 84-118
דרוש תורם/תורמים כדי להוציא לדפוס העולנים באנגלית לזיכוי הרבים
Sefer Sod Hageulah
“The Key to the Redemption”
It is a great segulah to read the 43th tikun of the Holy Zohar
(“Tikunei Zohar” page 82), which is one of the seventy tikunim
written by the divine Tanna, a light unto the world
Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
may his merit protect us, amen
The benefits for every man in Israel who reads this tikun
every day, particularly if he recites it after praying, are as
his luck will increase – he will succeed in all he does – he will enjoy
marital harmony – he will find a suitable match – he will merit spiritual
and material abundance – he will merit the fear of heaven – he will
merit to improve his spirit and soul – impure energies will be distanced
from him – his enemies will fall before him – he won’t witness the death
of his offspring – he will be spared the punishment of reincarnation
– he will merit a long life – he will merit the World to Come –
through his actions the Redemption will be hastened in great mercy
(Sod Hashem Razin Kadishin)
Donated by Eran Biton and his family
For the success of learning Torah for the sake of Heaven, and for
success of the new business and all its dealings
May they bring comfort to our Creator and fulfill our Creator’s
desirºes eternally
Published by “Mifal Hazohar HaOlami”
Bat Yam Branch 50 Bar Yehuda Street
Bat Yam, Israel Phone: 052-7651911
Tisrei 5773
Distributed free for zikui harabim
We will present, in full, with an easy to understand explanation, with the addition
of comments for the readers, to enable every Jew to taste the Tree of Life, to be
purified and sanctified with the holiness from Above, and thus benefit from the
great abundance of all the Worlds. "And thus everyone who merits this will merit
Redemption, because this work is scarce in our time, and is more important than
all the prophecies from the time of the Beit HaMikdash".
(Chesed L'Avraham, may his merit protect us amen)
להורדה ספר סוד הגאולה , “The Key to the Redemption בקובץ pdf', לחץ כאן: סוד הגאולה אנגלית